Symposium on Diabetes Updates

Picture of تایید شده توسط پزشکان داروسازی ویرا رهش فارمد
تایید شده توسط پزشکان داروسازی ویرا رهش فارمد

محتوای این مقاله صرفا برای افزایش آگاهی شماست. قبل از هرگونه اقدام به پزشک مراجعه کنید

Tage Post

In order to improve public awareness and upgrading healthcare system knowledge, Vira Rahesh Pharmed pharmaceutical company has always tried to participate in national and international congresses and conferences.

Due to increasing prevalence of diabetes worldwide, difficult management of this disease and financial burden of expensive treatment on health care system, this company had taken interest in launching new High-Tech products for diabetes mellitus control.

Symposium on Diabetes Updates is held on International Day of Diabetes annually with the aim of increasing awareness of this disease by Endocrinology and Metabolic Research Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

Vira Rahesh Pharmed Co., is honored to announce this company is going to introduce its newly launched dietary supplement, proGsterol, for the first time in this Symposium.

We are waiting to meet you at Symposium on Diabetes Updates on 14 November 2023 at Olympic Hotel of Tehran.